October 2023
Past Event
Preparing the Department of Defense for Irregular and Special Warfare
Featured Speakers:
Ezra Cohen
Chris Miller
Mark Mitchell
October 2023
Past Event
Preparing the Department of Defense for Irregular and Special Warfare
Hudson Adjunct Fellow Ezra Cohen, who served as ASD SO/LIC, will be joined by two other previous ASD SO/LICs to discuss the next generation of special forces challenges.
Featured Speakers:
Ezra Cohen
Chris Miller
Mark Mitchell
August 2023
Past Event
A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression
Featured Speakers:
Bryan Clark
Dan Patt
Ezra Cohen
Rear Admiral Mike Studeman (USN)
December 2022
Past Event
Reforming the Classification System: Challenges, Approaches, and Priorities
Featured Speakers:
Ezra Cohen
Alissa Starzak
David Burns
John Eisenberg
Elizabeth Goitein
Alex Joel
Carter Burwell
December 2022
Past Event
Reforming the Classification System: Challenges, Approaches, and Priorities
Please join Hudson Institute for an event co-sponsored by the ABA and the Federalist Society that will consider how the declassification system should be reformed.
Featured Speakers:
Ezra Cohen
Alissa Starzak
David Burns
John Eisenberg
Elizabeth Goitein
Alex Joel
Carter Burwell
May 2022
Past Event
Virtual Event | NSPM-13 and the Future of Cyber Warfare
Featured Speakers:
Alexei Bulazel
JD Work
Joshua Steinman
Ezra Cohen