Max Singer
Senior Fellow, Co-Founder, and Trustee Emeritus

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Senior Fellow, Co-Founder, and Trustee Emeritus
Max Singer was a Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of Hudson Institute.
Max Singer was a Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of Hudson Institute. He was also at the BESA Institute of Bar Ilan University in Israel, and served as Research Director of the Institute for Zionist Strategies in Jerusalem.
He founded Hudson Institute with Herman Kahn in 1961 and served as its president until 1973. From 1974 to 1976 he was managing director of the World Institute in Jerusalem, and from 1977 to 1978 he was director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Planning and Research of the Synagogue Council of America.
Before co-founding Hudson Institute he served in the U.S. Army Reserve (ACDUTRA) and worked for the American Law Institute and the General Counsel's Office of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Mr. Singer earned a B.A. at Columbia College and held a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Harvard Law School.
Singer was the author of The History of the Future: The Shape of the World to Come Is Visible Today (Lexington Books, 2011); Passage to a Human World: the Dynamics of Creating Global Wealth, with a foreword by Irving Kristol (Transaction Publishers, 2d ed. 1989); and The REAL World Order: Zones of Peace/Zones of Turmoil, with Aaron Wildavsky (Chatham House, rev'd ed. 1996), which won the 1996 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. He also wrote numerous articles for Commentary, The National Interest, The Public Interest, The New York Times Magazine, Reader's Digest, The Atlantic Monthly, and many newspapers.