Wall Street Journal

Ukraine’s Plan to Make Itself Indispensable

Ravenel B. Curry III Distinguished Fellow in Strategy and Statesmanship
Ukrainian soldiers with the 57th Motorized Brigade operate at an artillery position on June 9, 2024 near Vovchansk, Kharkiv Region, Ukraine. Russian forces have been pressuring Ukrainian forces for weeks around the Kharkiv region. (Photo by Nikoletta Stoyanova/Getty Images)
Ukrainian soldiers operate at an artillery position on June 9, 2024, near Kharkiv Region, Ukraine. (Nikoletta Stoyanova/Getty Images)

On a long road trip from the Moldovan frontier through Odesa to Kyiv, Kharkiv and back, I heard overwhelmingly that Ukrainians are determined to fight on. That isn’t always because they love President Volodymyr Zelensky, trust their generals, or see a path to victory. The bottom line in Ukraine is that they must keep fighting because Vladimir Putin gives them no choice.

Mr. Putin isn’t looking for compromise, they say. It isn’t about moving the border posts a few miles to the west. He believes he needs all or almost all of Ukraine, and he won’t stop until he gets it.

Worse, they say, Mr. Putin doesn’t only want to raise the Russian flag over the country and redistribute its wealth to his favored oligarchs. He wants to crush Ukrainian nationality, marginalize the language and culture, impose totalitarian rule over the country, and enlist Ukraine in his project of rebuilding the Russian Empire.

Read the full article in the Wall Street Journal.