China Insider

China Insider #5 | The PRC's Pandemic Chaos, the Reopening, and What to Expect from the 118th Congress

Senior Fellow and Director, China Center
wilson shirley
wilson shirley
Former Media Fellow, China Center
China Insider Podcast Miles Yu

The big story out of China this week is that COVID-19 is ripping through the country and that Beijing’s lack of transparency has the World Health Organization urging the People’s Republic of China to change course. Miles Yu and Wilson Shirley discuss the state of the pandemic and the Chinese Communist Party playing politics with vaccines, China reopening its borders to the world, and what the United States’ policy toward China looks like now that the 118th Congress has been sworn in and is getting to work.

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On multiple fronts—from ideology to the economy, to the military, to technology—the Chinese Communist Party presents the United States and its allies and partners with their most serious threat since the Cold War—maybe since World War II. What does the emerging consensus about the China challenge get right, and what is it missing? And what will it take to compete to win?

China Insider is a weekly podcast project from Hudson Institute's China Center, hosted by Miles Yu and Wilson Shirley, who provide weekly news that mainstream American outlets often miss, as well as in-depth commentary and analysis on the China challenge and the free world’s future.