Press Release

Rupert Murdoch Receives Hudson Institute Global Leadership Award

__Award presented by Dr. Henry Kissinger; Honored for supporting pro-growth economics, national security, and strong civil society__

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2015 -- Hudson Institute has honored Rupert Murdoch with its annual Global Leadership Award. Dr. Henry Kissinger and Hudson Institute President Kenneth Weinstein presented the award to Mr. Murdoch at a dinner held Monday night at The Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.

Hudson's award recognized Rupert Murdoch for his strategic leadership and adherence to the principles of democracy, free markets and economic growth, national security and a strong civil society. He is the Executive Chairman of 21st Century Fox, a major global media portfolio spanning six continents. Through an extensive career developing media properties, from News Limited in Australia to Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Murdoch has demonstrated a dedication to Hudson's guiding principles.

"We honor Rupert not because he is a conservative, but because he is a revolutionary," said Hudson Institute President Kenneth Weinstein. "He has transformed global media by sensing transformative possibilities that others simply couldn't, taking gigantic risks along the way, all to inform, entertain, and build new markets."

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Murdoch addressed the need for strong global American leadership.

"As we have seen in Syria and in the Ukraine and in the streets of Paris," Mr. Murdoch said in his acceptance speech, "without this country's self-confident championing of that 'human quest for freedom and humane values,' global affairs collapse into nightmare—the policy wasteland becomes fertile territory for terror."

Mr. Murdoch joins a list of past Hudson Institute award honorees that includes Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Shinzo Abe, George Shultz, Dick Cheney, Joseph Lieberman, Mitch Daniels, and David Petraeus.

A transcript of Mr. Murdoch's speech is available at Mr. Kissinger's speech—along with photos and video from the Global Leadership Award dinner—will be available shortly. For addition information, please contact Carolyn Stewart