Press Release

Hudson Institute and the Advanced Accelerator Association Co-Host Forum on U.S.-Japan Scientific Collaboration

Forum highlights U.S.-Japan collaborative opportunities;
Features Japanese political and scientific leaders

Washington, 2/11/16 –Hudson Institute and the Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology of Japan (AAA) today co-hosted a forum examining opportunities for scientific collaboration between the United States and Japan and featuring political and scientific leaders from both countries.

"Strengthening the U.S.-Japan alliance means strengthening our scientific, energy, and security ties,” said Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) in a prepared statement. “With increasingly volatile political conditions in East Asia, it is imperative to focus on supporting the U.S.-Japan relationship as a key stabilizing force in the region. The U.S.-Japan Forum on Science and Technology places these challenges in focus and allows our two nations to work together toward a common goal: security and prosperity for East Asia."

Additional remarks were made by three Japanese Diet members—the Hon. Ryu Shionoya (Japan’s current Minister of Education, Science and Technology) the Hon. Taku Otsuka, and the Hon. Shunichi Suzuki—along with Mr. Hiroaki Aihara, Vice President of the University of Tokyo, and Mr. Teruo Kishi, the science and technology advisor for Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The forum examined the economic and social benefits of scientific cooperation and highlighted critical technologies developed through international scientific collaboration, including the Large Hadron Collider and International Space Station. Participants discussed opportunities for strengthening U.S.-Japanese collaboration, including nuclear fusion and fission technology, aeronautics research, supercomputing, and advanced particle accelerators like the International Linear Collider.

Participants agreed that today’s forum should be reconvened at regular intervals, to be jointly hosted by the U.S. and Japan, and should continue to promote science and technology investment and critical-technology security through international cooperation. Participants also agreed to work for further and stronger parliamentary and government-level cooperation between the U.S. and Japan in particular.

Since its founding in 1961 by geostrategist Herman Kahn, Hudson Institute has made Japanese economic and technological development a special research priority. Major relevant publications by Herman Kahn include The Emerging Japanese Superstate: Challenge and Response and The Japanese Challenge: The Success and Failure of Economic Success. In 2013, Hudson Institute presented Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe with its prestigious Herman Kahn Award for his commitment to the promotion of free markets, global security, and democratic ideals.

All media inquiries can be directed to Carolyn Stewart