Press Release

Hudson Institute Congratulates Congressman Mike Pompeo's Selection for CIA Director

Washington, November 18 -- Hudson Institute congratulates Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) on his nomination to be the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Representative Pompeo has worked with Hudson on a range of issues including national security, energy, transatlantic relations, the future of the Middle East, and the fallout from the Iran nuclear deal.

Hudson Institute hosted Congressman Pompeo for a keynote address stressing the importance of the USA PATRIOT Act as its renewal was being debated. Congressman Pompeo’s speech can be accessed on Hudson Institute’s website

Congressman Pompeo also addressed a closed door working group of think tank experts, members of the European Parliament and the European Commission at Hudson’s annual Transatlantic Think Tank Conference on intelligence and security challenges faced by the alliance.

Earlier this year, Congressman Pompeo spoke at a Hudson conference examining how U.S. oil and natural gas exports have reshaped the balance of global energy power. Video of his remarks on American global energy leadership are available on Hudson Institute’s website

“Congressman Pompeo has been a leading critic of the Iran deal. Along with Sen. Tom Cotton, he uncovered the existence of unpublished codicils to the Iran agreement that have yet to be released to the public. He recognizes the fundamental importance of alliances and of strengthening intelligence cooperation with our partners in Europe, Asia and the Middle East,” remarked Kenneth Weinstein, president and CEO of Hudson Institute. “This is an exemplary nomination that will serve our country well.”