In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
Spectrum Availability and American Security
Featured Speakers:
James Andrew Lewis
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
Integrating a Force for Twenty-First-Century Deterrence and Warfighting
Featured Speakers:
Jim Taiclet
Virtual Event | Online Only
The Crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia: A Conversation with Ambassador Elchin Amirbayov
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Invite Only
Japanese Security in an Uncertain Indo-Pacific
Featured Speakers:
Minoru Kihara
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
India’s Role in a New Pacific Order
Featured Speakers:
Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
Stephen E. Biegun
Jayant Sinha, MP
Vice Admiral (Ret.) Shekhar Sinha
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
NATO and the Franco-American Alliance
Featured Speakers:
Muriel Domenach
Virtual Event | Online Only
Navigating toward Resilience: Technological Gamechangers
Featured Speakers:
H.E. Dan-Andrei Muraru
Gen. Daniel Petrescu
Gen. Philippe Lavigne
Lawrence Schuette
Patrick O’Neil
Victor Vevera
Peter Dombrowski
David Myers
Erez Koren
Arnold Dupuy
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
Assessing US Trade Policy with Ambassador Susan Schwab
Featured Speakers:
Ambassador Susan Schwab
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute
The Evolving Relationship between Europe and the Indo-Pacific
Featured Speakers:
Eva Maydell