In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
U.S.- Russia Relations: The Future of the Reset
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Avoiding Armageddon: America, India, and Pakistan to the Brink and Back
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
The Charitable Deduction in American Political Thought
Featured Speakers:
Stanley Katz
Rob Reich
Alex Reid
William Schambra
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Captive in Iran
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Washington, D.C. Area
Reclaiming Innovation in the Life Sciences: Reform FDA, Modernize its Culture
Featured Speakers:
Dr. Scott Gottlieb
Margaret Anderson
Joe Grogan
Brian Harvey
Coleen Klasmeier
Dan Leonard
Jennifer Luray
Michael Mandel
Robert Popovian
Marc Tessier-Lavigne
Benjamin Zycher
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Is Philanthropy Killing Itself with Kindness?
Featured Speakers:
Caroline Preston
Albert Ruesga
Vignetta Eugenia Charles
Cynthia Gibson
William Schambra
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Two Paths to the Internet Protocol Transition: An Address by FCC Commissioner Ajit V. Pai
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Social Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Future Policy for the Federal Communications Commission: A Discussion with former FCC Chairman Richard Wiley
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Institutional Choices for Regulating Oil and Gas Wells
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Washington, D.C. Area
Open Spectrum: A Major Step for U.S. Innovation and Economic Growth
Featured Speakers:
Jeffrey Eisenach
Angela Giancarlo
Brett Haan
Thomas Hazlett
Ira Kuhn
David Redl
Thomas Stroup
John Thorne
Scott Wallsten