China Insider

Insider Interview: China Is a Dangerous Outlier in Global Energy Arena (feat. Tom Duesterberg)

Senior Fellow and Director, China Center
Senior Fellow
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China is a destructive outlier in the global energy arena. Fifty-five percent of its power still comes from coal, and 17% comes from hydroelectric dams that generate as much geostrategic conflict as they do power. On the other hand, they are attempting to lead the world in electric vehicles and nuclear power. So how does the Chinese Communist Party plan to keep this strategy moving forward as  the countries demands skyrocket?

For the inaugural episode of our new "Insider Interviews," host Miles Yu is joined by Hudson Senior Fellow Thomas Duesterberg to provide answers from his report on China's historical water struggles and solutions.  

Read Tom's report, The Global Impact of China’s Water and Related Environmental Problems. 

China Insider is a weekly podcast project from Hudson Institute's China Center, hosted by Miles Yu, who provides weekly news that mainstream American outlets often miss, as well as in-depth commentary and analysis on the China challenge and the free world’s future.