In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
The Fate of the Iran Deal: Trump’s Strategy for the Middle East
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Liu Xiaobo’s Legacy and the Future of Chinese Democracy
Featured Speakers:
Xu Youyu
Ambassador Mark P. Lagon
Jared Genser
Yang Jianli
Eric Brown
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
How Non-State Actors Export Kleptocratic Norms to the West
Featured Speakers:
David Kramer
Louise Shelley
Sarah Chayes
Ambassador Richard D. Kauzlarich
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Iraq After the Kurdistan Referendum: What Next?
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Defense Cooperation in the West Pacific: Countering Chinese and North Korean Threats
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Iran's Land Bridge: Countering a Growing Influence in the Middle East
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
The Colombian Peace Deal: Making Progress or Problems?
Featured Speakers:
Congresswoman María Fernanda Cabal
Ambassador Jaime Daremblum
Gabriela Febres-Cordero
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
India at 70: Reminiscences on the Rise of an Economic Power
Featured Speakers:
Yaga Venugopal Reddy
Alyssa Ayres
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Pakistan at 70: Can Pakistan Become an Asian Tiger?
Featured Speakers:
Nadeem ul Haque
Ambassador Husain Haqqani
Marvin Weinbaum
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
The Trump Administration and the Middle East: What Should America Do Next?
Featured Speakers:
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
U.S. Strategic Command Commander’s Perspective on 21st Century Deterrence
Featured Speakers:
General John E. Hyten
Rebeccah Heinrichs
In-Person Event | Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C. Headquarters
Violence and Terrorism in Latin America in a Global Context: An Overview
Featured Speakers:
Ambassador Javier Rupérez
Javier Lesaca
Gustavo Tarre
Ambassador Jaime Daremblum