The discussion will cover China’s use of economic sanctions, surveillance, and coercion to silence critics, especially those who risk their lives and freedom to advocate for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Hudson’s China Center, with representatives from the Taiwan United Nations Alliance and the Washington Times, will explore Taiwan’s role on the international stage and discuss how to combat the PRC’s efforts and enhance United States–Taiwan military and diplomatic cooperation.

Join Hudson Institute as expert panels take stock of the Falun Gong crackdown over the past quarter of a century.

National Security Council Director for Cyber Policy Israel Soong joins Hudson’s Miles Yu for a conversation on why technology is crucial to Beijing’s plans and how the US can maintain the lead in its cyber and technology competition with China.

David Asher and Raymond Donovan, former director of operations of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and a strategic law enforcement expert, will discuss how America should hold the perpetrators accountable by strategically targeting them from the top down.

To discuss China’s ambitions in the Middle East, Beijing’s position in the Israel-Hamas conflict, and what this all means for American interests in the region, Hudson’s Zineb Riboua hosts a discussion with Senior Fellow John Lee and Atlantic Council Nonresident Fellow Tuvia Gering.

Join Hudson Senior Fellows Aaron MacLean, Tom Duesterberg, Bryan Clark, and John Lee as they discuss Dr. Lee’s latest report, cowritten with Lavina Lee.

Hudson Institute’s China Center and United Microelectronics Corporation founder Robert Tsao will host a conference with experts and policymakers to analyze China’s 2005 anti-secession law.